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Use this form to tell us about service stations or other fuel retailers that are:
Note the completed form is sent to the Office of Fair Trading for assessment. The Office of Fair Trading is unable to investigate the complaint without documented evidence being attached.
The form must include documentary evidence for the complaint to be investigated and a response provided. Failing to provide this evidence will see the Office of Fair Trading use the information provided as intelligence for future proactive compliance monitoring only.
To provide evidence of the incorrect fuel price, please include BOTH:
* Indicates a mandatory field
Please correct the following errors and try again. Fields with an asterisk (*) must be completed.
Please include a screen shot of the reported price on the app or website you are using, and a photo of the actual price on the fuel price board, fuel pump or receipt. This will provide evidence that may be used by the Office of Fair Trading in their investigation and any action.
Please ensure that the combined size of the document is no greater than 15MB. Only JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF & PDF formats are allowed. (Documents may include scanned receipt/s, time stamped photo and/or screenshots.)
Disclaimer: Your submission will be provided to the Queensland Government’s Office of Fair Trading which collects information, including personal information, submitted on this form to administer and enforce the Fair Trading (Fuel Price Reporting) Regulation 2018.
Additionally, information submitted on this form can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law. Under the Fair Trading Act 1989 information may also be shared on a confidential basis with other Australian fair trading agencies.
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